This page details the latest official statistics available on brothel keeping in Ireland.  It is based on data provided by the CSO (Central Statistics Office).

Recorded Offences

Data provided by the CSO on 25/06/19 shows that between 2009 and 2018 the Gardaí recorded 377 incidents of brothel keeping. The following chart shows the number of recorded incidents of brothel keeping for the years 2009-2018:

Data provided by the CSO on 22/07/19 shows that between 2009 and 2018 the Gardaí recorded 710 suspected offenders for incidents of brothel keeping. The number of suspected offenders is higher than the number of recorded incidents as incidents of brothel keeping often involve more than one distinct suspected offender. The following chart shows the number of recorded suspected offenders for brothel keeping incidents 2009-2018:

Recorded Crime statistics are currently being published by the CSO under the category “Under Reservation”, which indicates that the quality of the statistics does not meet the standards required of official statistics published by the CSO. For more information about Recorded Crime statistics please see Garda Recorded Crime Statistics on the CSO website.


The CSO has not published statistics relating to convictions since 2016. However statistics were provided by the CSO on 16/09/16 which show that 129 persons were convicted* of brothel keeping for offences recorded in the years 2004-2013. These are currently the most recent statistics available.

Conviction statistics also show the gender and age range of those convicted. As the following two charts show, the vast majority (85%) of those convicted of brothel keeping are female and most are aged 18-24 (30%) or 25-44 (59%).

* In CSO statistics convicted includes conviction, proved and order made without conviction and Probation of Offenders Act.